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治疗药物监测 (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)
April 2024 - Volume 46 - Issue 2

大查房 (Grand Round)
1. 大规模文拉法辛中毒:文拉法辛和O-去甲文拉法辛消除动力学与心脏毒性演变:一次大查房
(A Massive Venlafaxine Intoxication: Evolution of Cardiac Toxicity with Venlafaxine and O-Desmethylvenlafaxine Elimination Kinetics: A Grand Round)
Couderc, Sylvain; Gabriel, Anthony; Decheiver, Sarah; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):133-137, April 2024.

病例报告 (Case Report)
2. 拯救儿童免受氯硝西泮中毒的策略:一项案例研究
(A Strategy for Rescuing a Child From Clonazepam Poisoning: A Case Study)
Zhao, Xuemei; Zhang, Rui; Li, Wenjing
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):138-140, April 2024.
(Editorial to the Special Issue Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Neuropsychopharmacology Rediscovering Old and Emerging Aspects)
3. 在神经精神药理学中建立和扩展治疗药物监测的使用
(Establishing and Extending the Use of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Neuropsychopharmacology)
Schoretsanitis, Georgios; (Guest Editor)
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):141-142, April 2024.

综述文章 (Review Article)
4. 幕后:从实验室分析的角度审视精神药物的治疗药物监测
(Behind the Curtain: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Psychotropic Drugs from a Laboratory Analytical Perspective)
Scherf-Clavel, Maike; Baumann, Pierre; Hart, Xenia M.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):143-154, April 2024.
5. PET成像教训更新第二部分:抗抑郁药物治疗血浆浓度的系统性关键回顾
(Update Lessons from PET Imaging Part II: A Systematic Critical Review on Therapeutic Plasma Concentrations of Antidepressants)
Hart, Xenia M.; Spangemacher, Moritz; Defert, Julie; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):155-169, April 2024.
6. 系统回顾:治疗药物监测研究中儿童和青少年使用氯氮平治疗精神障碍的氯氮平浓度-剂量比
(A Systematic Review of Clozapine Concentration–Dose Ratio from Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Studies in Children and Adolescents Treated with Clozapine for Mental Disorders)
Jiménez-Fernández, Sara; Gurpegui, Manuel; Correll, Christoph U.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):170-180, April 2024.
7. 孕妇单药治疗拉莫三嗪剂量监测:目前患有癫痫的孕妇是否得到了最佳管理?系统回顾
(Dose Monitoring of Lamotrigine Monotherapy in Pregnancy: Are Pregnant Women with Epilepsy Currently Optimally Managed? A Systematic Review)
Goo, Yeonkyung; der Nederlanden, Anne Marijn; Bleasel, Andrew; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):181-194, April 2024.

原创文章 (Original Article)
8. 月经周期中精神药物浓度的变化:一项初步研究
(Changes in Psychotropic Drug Concentrations Across the Menstrual Cycle: A Pilot Study)
Spadi, Julia; Scherf-Clavel, Maike; Leutritz, Anna Linda; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):195-202, April 2024.
9. 使用液相色谱-高分辨率质谱全面监测精神病患者中的精神活性物质:意大利罗马治疗规划和消费模式理解的关键工具
(Comprehensive Monitoring of Psychoactive Substances in Psychiatric Patients Using Liquid Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry: A Key Tool for Treatment Planning and Understanding Consumption Patterns in Rome, Italy)
La Maida, Nunzia; Di Giorgi, Alessandro; Pichini, Simona; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):203-209, April 2024.
10. 住院精神病医院抗精神病药物的治疗药物水平监测
(Therapeutic Drug Level Monitoring of Antipsychotics at an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital)
Bhavsar, Nisha Chandrakant; Dopheide, Julie Ann; Botello, Timothy Eugene; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):210-216, April 2024.
11. 氯氮平剂量预测的群体药代动力学模型验证
(Validation of Population Pharmacokinetic Models for Clozapine Dosage Prediction)
Berneri, Massimo; Jha, Uma; O'Halloran, Seán; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):217-226, April 2024.
12. 同时在人血浆和母乳中定量精神药物及其在治疗药物监测和围产期治疗优化中的应用
(Simultaneous Quantification of Psychotropic Drugs in Human Plasma and Breast Milk and Its Application in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Peripartum Treatment Optimization)
Le Marois, Marguerite; Doudka, Natalia; Tzavara, Eleni; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):227-236, April 2024.
13. 舒替胺的药代动力学变异性:年龄、药物-药物相互作用以及癫痫患者毒性生化标志物的影响
(Pharmacokinetic Variability of Sulthiame: The Impact of Age, Drug–Drug Interactions, and Biochemical Markers of Toxicity in Patients with Epilepsy)
Heger, Katrine; Kjeldstadli, Kari; Ring, Nelly; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):237-245, April 2024.
14. 评估与艾司西酞普兰相关的药物不良反应的药代动力学相关性
(Assessing Pharmacokinetic Correlates of Escitalopram-Related Adverse Drug Reactions)
Kuzin, Maxim; Haen, Ekkehard; Kuzo, Nazar; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):246-251, April 2024.
15. 影响曲唑酮浓度和浓度-剂量比的因素分析
(Analysis of Factors Affecting Concentrations and Concentration-To-Dose Ratios of Trazodone)
Song, Yang; Chang, Luyao; Lun, Yang; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):252-258, April 2024.
16. 治疗药物监测优化儿童自闭症谱系障碍患者的利培酮治疗
(Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to Optimize Risperidone Treatment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Hermans, Rebecca A.; Storm, Alaya E.M.; Kloosterboer, Sanne M.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):259-264, April 2024.
17. 使用再处理的高分辨率质谱分析治疗药物监测样本,新识别氯氮平氮烯离子的半胱氨酸衍生物及丙戊酸对代谢产物形成的影响:一项研究
(Novel Identification of Cysteinyl Derivatives of Toxic Clozapine Nitrenium Ions and the Effect of Valproic Acid on Metabolite Formation: A Study Using Reprocessed High-Resolution Mass Spectra of Analyzed Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Samples)
Wollmann, Birgit M.; Haugen, Aina G.; Smith, Robert L.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):265-269, April 2024.
18. 卡利拉嗪治疗参考范围的建议——简短通讯
(Recommendation for a Therapeutic Reference Range of Cariprazine—A Short Communication)
Sattaf, Fabian; Scherf-Clavel, Maike; Unterecker, Stefan; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):270-273, April 2024.

编辑来信 (Letter to the Editor)
19. 氯氮平血药浓度结果在6小时内快速周转对有效管理难治性精神分裂症重症患者至关重要
(A Short Turnaround of Clozapine Blood Level Results Within 6 hours is Essential for Effective Management of Severely Ill Persons with Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia)
Vincent, Philippe D.; Lesage, Alain; Lalonde, Pierre; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(2):274-275, April 2024.
