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治疗药物监测 (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)
June 2024 - Volume 46 - Issue 3

大查房 (Grand Round)
1. 卡马西平对达鲁那韦谷浓度的影响:剂量差异的案例研究
(Effect of Carbamazepine on Darunavir Trough Concentrations: When the Dose Can Make the Difference—A Case Study)
Cattaneo, Dario; Caloni, Beatrice; Caronni, Stefania; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):277-280, June 2024.
2. 血浆置换对ICU双相障碍患者血清锂水平的影响:一个案例研究
(Effects of Plasmapheresis on Serum Lithium Levels in an ICU Patient with Bipolar Disorder: A Case Study)
Lien, Thuy N. T.; Mohamed, Sherin M. M.; van den Bogaard, Bas; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):281-284, June 2024.
3. 不要只关注谷浓度,还要关注曲线下面积:一个肾移植受者使用苯巴比妥治疗的他克莫司监测案例研究
(Follow the Area Under the Curve Not the Trough Concentration: A Case Study of Tacrolimus Monitoring in a Kidney Transplant Recipient Cotreated With Phenobarbital)
Izarn, Oscar; Morin, Marie-Pascale; Ntobe-Bunkete, Beni; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):285-287, June 2024.

病例报告 (Case Report)      
4. 揭示阿司匹林过量罕见表现:大查房
(Unveiling the Rare Presentation of Acetylsalicylate Overdose: Grand Round)
Kohara, Saeko; Kamijo, Yoshito; Kyan, Ryoko; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):288-290, June 2024.

综述文章 (Review Article)
5. 英夫利昔单抗治疗药物监测的最佳实践:国际治疗药物监测和临床毒理学协会的立场声明
(Best Practice for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Infliximab: Position Statement from the International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology)
Alsoud, Dahham; Moes, Dirk Jan A. R.; Wang, Zhigang; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):291-308, June 2024.
6. 托拉塞米的临床药代动力学系统性批判性回顾
(A Systematic Critical Review of Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Torasemide)
Sherazi, Abdul Wasay; Zamir, Ammara; Rehman, Anees ur; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):309-320, June 2024.
7. 帕唑帕尼在肾细胞癌和软组织肉瘤治疗药物监测的系统性回顾
(Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Pazopanib in Renal Cell Carcinoma and Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Systematic Review)
Turjap, Miroslav; Pelcová, Marta; Gregorová, Jana; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):321-331, June 2024.

原创文章 (Original Article)
8. 一种验证过的测定奥希替尼及其代谢物AZ5104和AZ7550的微量干血斑和血浆分析方法
(A Validated Assay to Quantify Osimertinib and Its Metabolites, AZ5104 and AZ7550, from Microsampled Dried Blood Spots and Plasma)
Venkatesh, Bharat; Yuile, Alex; McKay, Matthew J.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):332-343, June 2024.
9. N-去甲基伊马替尼谷浓度与胃肠道间质瘤患者严重不良反应的相关性:一项回顾性队列研究
(Correlation Between N-Demethyl Imatinib Trough Concentration and Serious Adverse Reactions in Patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: A Retrospective Cohort Study)
Liu, Mingfeng; Guo, Teng; Ma, Zhixue; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):344-350, June 2024.
10. 解决利益相关者对β-内酰胺类抗生素治疗药物监测计划建立的感知障碍和促进因素的实施策略:定性分析
(Implementation Strategies Addressing Stakeholder-Perceived Barriers and Enablers to the Establishment of a Beta-Lactam Antibiotic Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program: A Qualitative Analysis)
Pai Mangalore, Rekha; Udy, Andrew Alexander; Peel, Trisha Nicole; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):351-362, June 2024.
11. 贝达喹啉和德拉曼尼药代动力学对耐药结核病患者痰培养转阴和不良事件的影响
(Effect of Bedaquiline and Delamanid Pharmacokinetics on Sputum Culture Conversion and Adverse Events in Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis)
Bhatnagar, Anuj K.; Hemanthkumar, Agibothu Kupparam; Muthu Vijayalakshmi, Mariappan; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):363-369, June 2024.
12. 甲磺酸二甲双胍对肺结核患者治疗期间利福平、异烟肼和吡嗪酰胺血浆暴露的影响
(Effect of Metformin on Plasma Exposure of Rifampicin, Isoniazid, and Pyrazinamide in Patients on Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis)
Kumar, Agibothu Kupparam Hemanth; Kadam, Abhijit; Karunaianantham, Ramesh; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):370-375, June 2024.
13. 预测性性能:一项关于围生期窒息新生儿接受控制性治疗性低温治疗的庆大霉素药代动力学模型
(Predictive Performance of a Gentamicin Pharmacokinetic Model in Term Neonates with Perinatal Asphyxia Undergoing Controlled Therapeutic Hypothermia)
van der Veer, Marlotte A. A.; de Haan, Timo R.; Franken, Linda G. W.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):376-383, June 2024.
14. 利用液相色谱-串联质谱法对治疗药物监测中人血浆微量样本中的磷霉素进行快速灵敏分析
(Fast and Sensitive Analysis of Fosfomycin in Human Plasma Microsamples Using Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)
Barone, Rossella; Conti, Matteo; Giorgi, Beatrice; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):384-390, June 2024.
15. 多拉韦和利匹韦林的药代动力学宽容度的计算机模拟评估
(In Silico Pharmacokinetics Evaluation of Forgiveness for Doravirine and Rilpivirine)
Fromage, Yeleen; Jamal, Najwa; Codde, Cyrielle; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):391-396, June 2024.
16. 儿童连续使用硫酸噻胺血浓度及疗效/安全性评估
(Evaluation for Blood Concentration and Efficacy/Safety of Continuous Administration of Thiamylal in Children)
Hirata, Kenshiro; Obara, Takafumi; Ikeda, Tokunori; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):397-403, June 2024.
17. 乳腺癌患者Roux-en-Y胃旁路术后口服抗激素药物剂量和监测的临床指导
(Clinical Guidance for Dosing and Monitoring Oral Antihormonal Drugs in Patients with Breast Cancer After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass)
Kingma, Jurjen S.; Peeters, Niels W.L.; Knibbe, Catherijne A.J.; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):404-409, June 2024.

短篇通讯 (Short Communication)
18. 基于模型算法的托珠单抗剂量递减在临床实践中是可行的:短篇通讯
(Tocilizumab Dose Tapering Based on a Model-Based Algorithm is Feasible in Clinical Practice: A Short Communication)
Hooijberg, Femke; Layegh, Zohra; Leeuw, Maureen; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):410-414, June 2024.

编辑来信 (Letter to the Editor)
19. 因资源差异而哭泣:资源差距和治疗药物监测
(Crying Over Stark Differences: Resource Disparity and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)
Carland, Jane E.; Stojanova, Jana; Lau, Cindy; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):415-416, June 2024.
20. 静脉注射白消安的治疗药物监测及药物制剂辅料PEG 400的分析挑战:致编辑的信
(Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Intravenous Busulfan and Analytical Challenges due to the Drug Formulation Excipient PEG 400: Letter to the Editor)
Vethe, Nils Tore; Andersen, Anders Mikal; Gedde-Dahl, Tobias; More
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 46(3):416-417, June 2024.
